April 1st!
This year is really flying over. It doesn’t seem two minutes since I did a blog post saying March would be here soon.
Or maybe it’s because my blog posts have fallen by the wayside. The tiredness I’ve been struggling with for a few months has been identified as an iron deficiency and between that and trying to get on top of stuff at home the blog has taken a back seat.
But I’ve missed it! So I’m leaping into April to take up last year’s A-Z blog challenge, in which I’ll attempt to post something every day of April (except Sundays…er, after today) which is tenuously related to a letter of the alphabet.
And in honour of April and the unseasonably warm weather we’ve had for the last week, here’s a picture of Daniel and Emily enjoying the sunshine!
And here is the list of blogs participating in the A-Z Challenge: