A is for Author…

It’s April 1st! If you read my post the other day, All About April, you’ll know that I’m taking part in the April A – Z Challenge. And if you didn’t, well, you do now.

And to kick off the month, welcome to my ebook launch!

I know it’s a tenuous link, but hey, it’s my blog. I get to make and break the rules. 😉

Some Life Somewhere is now available to buy from Amazon Kindle and Smashwords (other formats, inc US Kindle) and it’s also listed on Goodreads but looking rather lonely without reviews (just sayin’…)

The book is a series of short stories told as dialogues, exploring some of the Big Questions of life, death, and the tricky bits in-between.

To celebrate I’m giving away a copy of the book in your preferred format. If you want to enter (and why wouldn’t you? ahem…) leave a comment on this post or on my facebook page (with a ‘Like’!) answering the following question and on Sunday night (3rd April) I’ll draw one answer out of the hat:

What would your ideal alternative life be?

Have you answered? Excellent, here’s a virtual glass of champagne, and cheers!

13 thoughts on “A is for Author…”

  1. I’ve always wanted to be butt kicking international woman of mystery, a la Emma Peel or Sydney Bristow. That, or a vampire slayer…

    Congratulations and good luck with your ebook launch!

  2. Happy P-Day to you, Becca! Don’t enter me for the draw as I’m off to buy a copy but, in my ideal alternative life, I’d be a fabulously successful author, all my books would be made into box office smashing films and I’d get to pick the male leads myself through a vigorous selection process… Lol!

  3. I’ve already decided, I’m coming back as a cat!
    That’s my ideal, alternative life.

    Good to make your acquaintance R and look forward to following your progress on the A-Z challenge and with your blogs/writing

    warm wishes

  4. Rebecca, I am so happy for you!! Was it tricky to publish it to Kindle? Just askin’.

    My preferred occupation would be something where I would laugh all day. I used to want to be on a comedy writing team like the one on the Dick Van Dyke show with Morrie Amsterdam where they all sat around thinking up jokes. 🙂

  5. Thanks everyone for commenting and good wishes!

    Jeannie, it wasn’t difficult at all. Fiddly, and it really pays to do lots of going over the file with a fine-toothed comb as it takes a while to upload and it’s really frustrating if you do it then spot a mistake… *whistles innocently*. Best job is to do smashwords first as you can check formatting then re-upload fairly quickly. And then the hardest thing I found was trying to plug the book without coming across as pushy… I hope anyway!

  6. Red-faced at having missed the fact that you have a book out – how did that happen? (That I missed it, not that you has a book out…)

    I’ll be interested to hear about your experiences.

    In my ideal alternative life I’d worry less about everything. 😉

  7. Now, what would I come back as?? The wind! No one could stop me, I could move freely, I wouldnt be answerable to anyone and I could go anywhere in the world I like and I would be gentle with everyone!!

  8. You’ve been manic, shuttling all over the country from what I can gather! 😉 I might do a blog post about the experience – I have to say, it’s been about 99% brilliant and so exciting!

    Thanks for comemnting 🙂

  9. I like that one! Although the wind where we live is very rarely gentle 😉

  10. Thanks to everyone who entered or left such lovely comments. I’ve been totally amazed and humbled by how great you all are, and how well the book did in its first day.

    The winner of the giveaway was Sam Adamson over on my facebook page; but I’m feeling so generous I might just do another one in a few days. I’m nice like that, see? 😉

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