Breaking with technology – or maybe not

So, I decided, in my infinite wisdom, that I was spending WAY too much time on facebook, twitter, blogs, reading about writing, reading about reading, reading about procrastination. I decided that I needed to actually do more of the things I was reading about.I decided to avoid facebook and twitter and blogs for a few days and see how I got on.

Turns out I didn’t get on all that well actually. From being someone who didn’t have a mobile phone until I left home and only got on the internet in 2000 (ish) I am now hooked on the web. And like all bad habits and addictions it takes up all my time, prevents me from actually doing anything productive, interferes with a ‘normal’ daily life, sucks me back in to doing it more and more and, when I finally do switch the computer off, I feel dissatisfied and guilty because I just wasted so much time. I may have read thirty new blog posts on writing a bestseller, I may have read fifty thought provoking and insightful pieces of writing, but at the end of the day I have gained nothing but frustration and guilt from the experience. And yet I carry on!

So, instead of going cold turkey and hoping that I might use that time to be a better writer, wife, mother, I am going to at least try and use the time productively to improve my writing. I am also going to kill two birds with one stone and actually make use of this blog. With these aims in mind I am planning to go through the huge collection of family photos stored on my laptop without any hope of ever seeing ink and paper and post a photo with a reflection on said photo, every day that I am on the computer. Hopfeully I will also have days when I am not on the computer at all!

And I am absolutely, definitely, maybe going to stop using the word actually. Way overused. Tap on the hand and do better next time.

Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years?

This, for me, changes everyday. There are a couple of constants that I cling onto, geared around family: I would like to think our third child was either here or about to make an appearance; I would like us to be realistically be thinking about buying a house (maybe in France?), instead of being perennial tenants; I will of course be 2 stone lighter.

The thing that really changes for me is my current ambition, and as it has taken me this long to work out what I want out of life, what I would do if I could do anything, it’s not surprising that I’ve had more career plans than hot dinners. But then, haven’t most people?

I have seen myself as a teacher (reluctantly!), a nurse, a counsellor. I have seen myself going back to old career options such as nursery nursing and interpreting. None of those, although fantastic jobs, are the thing I would do if I could do anything. I have learned a lot from the many pies that my fingers have been in in the past, but they are in the past, and I will probably only revisit them as hobbies or for interest’s sake.

My husband has lately been lucky enough to get into a position (I mean situation, not employment position) where he can finally start to work towards his dream, which is graphic design. He is very talented, and now he can really start to show that talent off and develop it, to the point where his five year goal of being self-employed in that business is easily achievable. He has been very excited lately about it, and has been encouraging me to think about my dream more seriously, and the one thing that I would do if I could is be a writer. I have often scribbled things down, started stories, and had dozens of characters chatting to each other in my head, which can be very disconcerting!

I have never before thought that I could actually be a writer, however. Not a big famous one, not earning thousands in advances with people queueing for days to be at my booksigning. Although I have to admit, it’s a nice thought. But just to get a novel finished, and I have several on the go at the minute, that is my five year plan. A published novel, maybe a couple more nearly done, and the satisfaction of knowing that I’ve actually gone for it.

Oh, and the house in France. All donations accepted.

What needs cleaning in our house?

So, I want some inspiration for today’s blog, as I am newly determined to be disciplined and write something everyday. If it turns out that I am merely churning out reams of rubbish and not getting any ‘real’ writing done, I’ll rethink this plan, but it’s a start.

I recently discovered which has lots of inspirational prompts and ideas on there. Well worth a look by the way, I especially like the photo a day picture prompt, although it hasn’t actually worked for me as yet! There is also a prompt generator, and today it came out with the title above – “What needs cleaning in your house?” This gave me a giggle, as it a fairly long list, so I thought I would write about it. Also, if I write about it, I might actually do the cleaning…?

Anyway, here we go. First of all, EVERYTHING needs constant cleaning. We have a toddler. Say no more. Even things that you don’t think need cleaning, do. For example, Daniel today decided that what our cream living room walls really needed was red crayon. So I spent time scrubbing a portion of the wall, and am now fairly convinced that that part is showing the rest of the wall up. I might get Daniel to continue around the living room then eventually I will be motivated to clean the rest.

We also need to spring clean every room in the house. Obviously the bathrooms need doing again, I am shockingly bad at scrubbing the sinks.What else? Well Andrew cleaned the living room windows yesterday, so in theory they shouldn’t need doing although the other rooms do. Except that clean windows have a magnetic attraction for grubby little boy hands. I am awaiting funding to do the scientific research to back this up.

The problem is, of course, that there is always something better to do. Usually this is sitting around thinking about what I could be doing. I would like to call this planning, or seeking inspiration, but sadly it’s just sitting around. I could be a better mother, wife, ‘homemaker’, or writer, if I didn’t spend so long thinking about being all those things. I’m far too busy doing nothing to waste time on cleaning. And there is the additional problem that if I do spend some time cleaning and really putting my back into it (don’t laugh Andrew, it does happen occasionally), I don’t want anyone to use whatever I’ve cleaned and mess it up again. It’s like ironing – why do people insist on wearing the clothes I’ve ironed and crumpling them all up again?

So if anyone does have any ideas on how to get really motivated and organised so that cleaning becomes a sheer joy in itself, please let me know. I’m sure my husband will be very grateful.

A quick note…

…just to say that dishwashers really are a mummy’s best friend.

We had poached salmon, new potatoes and steamed veg for tea last night. At the end of the meal there were loads of dishes, pans, mess. Five minute job and you’re done.

Nice clean room, and I can sit down and pretend to write. Fab.

There is only one thing that, in my humble opinion, beats a dishwasher. A multicooker. Ours is the Cookshop Gourmet Multicooker, and I cannot now imagine life without it. We occasionally, as last night, have a meal that has not been partially or totally cooked in the multicooker, but it is pretty rare now. This machine is wonderful, you can prepare almost any food, you use NO OIL (Yes! Even for bacon and eggs!), and it literally takes five minutes to clean. You heat it up a tiny bit, wipe it with a bit of kitchen roll or a clean dry cloth, and that’s it. I cannot recommend this enough, especially to other mummies!

Girls night in

We (me and my best friend) rarely have time without our little boys. The boys are both around 2 years old, so this is not surprising. Therefore, any time we get to be girls rather than mums is precious and a major event.

Recently we had a whole four or five hours without any children, husbands, responsibilities, etc, and firmly agreed to let our hair down and enjoy some wine and grown-up conversation. Excellent.

So how come on at least 3 separate occasions that night did we end up listening to/dancing to/discussing/watching The WIGGLES?!

For once, we did not have small children shouting for Big Red Car or Race to the Rainbow, yet we still ended dancing the Bump-A-Deedle. What madness is this? Are we now brainwashed into being unable to go a couple of hours without children’s television?

Help me. Please.